Title: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki Tanjiro begins his training to become a demon slayer under the guidance of the retired demon slayer Sakonji Urokodaki. Tanjiro struggles during his training, as he is still traumatized by the loss of his family and the fact that his younger sister Nezuko has become a demon. However, he is determined to become a demon slayer in order to protect others from the same fate that befell his family. Sakonji Urokodaki teaches Tanjiro the basics of swordsmanship and the importance of concentration and breathing techniques. Tanjiro's first task is to slice a boulder in half with his sword, but he struggles to do so. Despite his initial failures, Tanjiro continues to train and eventually gains enough strength and skill to slice the boulder in half. Sakonji Urokodaki then reveals that Tanjiro has passed his first test and is ready to move on to the next phase of his training. The episode ends with Tanjiro and Nezuko setting off on their journey to find a way to turn Nezuko back into a human, with Tanjiro now armed with the skills he needs to become a successful demon slayer.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) on IMDb
Studio : ufotable Release : Apr 06, 2019 to Sep 28, 2019 Country : Japan Views: 8.51 by 1,893,018 review Rate: PG-13 Language: Japanese Subtitle: Imran Abbasi