Title: Sabito and Makomo
The story follows Tanjiro as he undergoes intense training in order to become a demon slayer. During his training, he meets two other demon slayer candidates, Sabito and Makomo, who are both incredibly skilled fighters.
Tanjiro struggles to keep up with their training and is continuously defeated by them. However, he learns valuable lessons from each of his defeats and gradually becomes stronger.
Throughout the episode, flashbacks are shown that reveal Sabito and Makomo's past as orphaned children who were taken in by a former demon slayer named Sakonji Urokodaki. They were also trained by Urokodaki and became skilled demon slayers themselves.
As the episode progresses, it is revealed that Sabito and Makomo were both killed by demons while on a mission. However, their spirits continue to guide and support Tanjiro in his training.
The episode ends with Tanjiro finally succeeding in his training and earning Urokodaki's approval. He sets off on his journey to become a demon slayer, with Sabito and Makomo's spirits watching over him.
Studio : ufotable
Release : Apr 06, 2019 to Sep 28, 2019
Country : Japan
Views: 8.51 by 1,893,018 review
Rate: PG-13
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: Imran Abbasi